Reconstructive Nose Surgery

Dr. med. Thoralf Stange

HNO-Zentrum Neuss
SCHÖN Klinik Düsseldorf
HELIOS Klinikum Krefeld

Holes in the nasal septum mean a considerable reduction in the quality of life for affected patients. But that doesn't have to be final.

Unfortunately, there is still the widespread opinion that it is better not to operate on nasal septal defects. However, my experience after treating many affected patients is different: In almost all nasal septal defects, a complete restoration of the nasal septum and almost always an improvement of the quality of life can be achieved surgically.

Reconstructions of the nasal septum are highly complex and are among the most difficult procedures in nasal surgery. I have been involved in the surgical treatment of nasal septal perforations (correctly: nasal septal defects) since 2001. Since then, I have performed more than 1,000 surgical nasal septal reconstructions myself and examined more than 1,500 patients with nasal septal defects in my consultation hours.

I'm sure I can also find a solution for the hole in your nasal septum!

Let me advise you during my consultation hours!