Curriculum vitae
Since 2015
Nose surgery in the ENT Clinic of the HELIOS Clinic in Krefeld and as an private doctor in the private clinic of the HELIOS Clinic in Krefeld with a focus on reconstructive nasal surgery
Since 2012
Nose surgery at the ENT Clinic of the SCHÖN Klinik in Düsseldorf (formerly Dominikus Hospital): Head physician specializing in reconstructive nasal surgery since 2018
Since 2011
Co-owner of the ENT Center Neuss with a focus on nasal surgery
2001 - 2010
Senior physician, from 2003 senior consultant, 2008 provisional head physician at the ENT clinic of the Lukaskrankenhaus in Neuss (head physician: Prof. Dr. H.-J. Schultz-Coulon)
2007: Recognition of the additional qualification "Plastic and Aesthetic Surgery" (North Rhine Medical Association)
2003: Recognition of the optional further training "Special ENT Surgery" (North Rhine Medical Association)
1995 - 2001
Specialist training at the University ENT Clinic Halle (Director: Prof. Dr. A. Berghaus)
2001: Recognized as a specialist in ear, nose and throat medicine
1996: Doctorate (Dr. med.) (Methodical investigations on the immuno-electron microscopic detection of membrane peptidases: "Summa cum laude") at the Medical Faculty of the Martin Luther University Halle - Wittenberg
1989 - 1995
Medical school at the Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg
1987 - 1989
Military service